100 Thieves’ Yassuo hit with fake cease & desist from ex-girlfriend

September 2022 · 3 minute read

100 Thieves content creator Moe ‘Yassuo’ Abdalrhman has been hit with a fake cease and desist following an ongoing drama with his ex-girlfriend Bella — and now he’s responded to it.

That same day, Yassuo and 100T Talent Development manager Ibrahim Eljeilat revealed that Yassuo had actually received a cease and desist letter that turned out to be fake.

Naturally, they saw the humor in the situation, and decided to take photos outside of the imaginary law firm from where the letters supposedly came.

Received my first ever Cease & Desist, turns out it was a fake so I had a photoshoot at the imaginary lawfirm pic.twitter.com/OPFOE5b25S

— Moe (@Yassuo) February 11, 2021

While fans questioned what on earth was going on with the streamer, he took to Twitch to discuss the situation, explaining that the letter came from his ex-girlfriend and he and Ibrahim had to reach out to the company to confirm its legitimacy.

Of course, the letter, which claims Yassuo made “defamatory comments,” wasn’t legitimate at all. During the stream — of which a vod is embedded below — the letter is looked at in detail, confirming it’s from Bella. Yassuo also shows the emails from the law firm it claims to come from, confirming that it’s fake.

He then goes on to explain that the situation is much bigger than simply a cease and desist directed towards him. Another person named in the letter is Jackson ‘KatEvolved’ Dohan, a former mid-laner for TSM Academy and boyfriend of Bella.

As it turns out, Bella had said she was 24 years old, while Dohan is 19. Yassuo is now claiming, however, that she is turning 29 years old in just a couple of months; almost 10 years Dohan’s senior.

Moe went on to explain that he wants no hate or harassment sent to Bella or KatEvolved’s way. “We don’t have to put them down to lift ourselves up,” he said. “We don’t need to give them the attention… I know they want attention, they want clout.”

Bella has since deleted all of her social media accounts, while KatEvolved hasn’t spoken publicly on the situation at all.

Someone that has commented, though, is a “former best friend” of Bella, who says that Jackson is “trapped in an abusive relationship.”

My experience with Bella (as her former best friend.)
I'm doing this for Jack, even thought I know he'll hate me for it. He's trapped in an extremely abusive relationship and is risking his career for it.https://t.co/gsnnYbTQ1g

— puppy (@puppyccinoo) February 12, 2021

Posted within the tweet is a link to screenshots of Discord chat logs, this definitely adds even more fuel to the fire surrounding this drama. In it, it seems she would frequently threaten to leave KatEvolved over minor issues, as well as suggest she was moving back to Chile.

What the outcome of this remains to be seen, but it’s a very sticky situation for everyone involved.
