Clubs in Apex Legends: How to create and join a club

April 2023 · 6 minute read

Apex Legends Clubs are a new way for players to hang out and play together, so find out everything you need to know about this new feature. 

Apex Legends Clubs are a new social feature that will be launching in Season 7. These clubs will enable you to build a dedicated community of players that you can team up with and allow you to keep in touch with your members.

It’s a much more robust version of the game’s current friend list and one that is a great addition for those that don’t have a dedicated squad. 

With the addition of the Apex Legends Club feature, players will finally be able to squad up and search for clubs that appeal to them. After all, everyone knows just how tricky it can be to win both casual and ranked games with randoms. Here’s everything you need to know about Apex Legends Clubs and how you can utilize them in Season 7. 

How to create clubs

Creating and finding a club is incredibly easy.

When Apex Legends Season 7 goes live, there will be a new tab called “Club” that will be featured in the game’s lobby. Clicking on this option will present you with two options: 

  • Find a Club
  • Create a Club
  • If you’re looking for a particular club or just wish to browse what’s on offer, then there will be a number of clubs put on display. If you’re specifically looking to set up your own club for people to join, then you must fill out the following options:

    It’s important to note that if you have disabled crossplay, then only users that have also disabled crossplay will be able to find and participate in your club. Make sure you change this setting if you wish to squad up with players across all platforms. 

    Another thing to remember is that Apex clubs are bound to the data center the owner was on at the time the Club was created. This ensures that all club members have a similar ping when grouped up. However, you can receive invites from clubs anywhere and join them, regardless of the data center.

    How to search for a club

    Find the club that best suits you.

    If you don’t wish to be in charge of running your own club or simply want to join a friend’s/random person’s club, then you’ll need to search for one instead. You can do this by hitting the “Search for Clubs” button in the club tab. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to search by name, tag, privacy parameters, and search tags.

    Clubs that are open and non-restricted will show up in the listings. However, some clubs will only allow certain account levels to join. In addition, there will also be a number of clubs that require a join request. 

    Once you file a request, the owner and admins of the club will be able to review your credentials by looking over your gladiator card before determining whether or not to accept you. 

    Taking part in a club

    Participating in a club will help alleviate a lot of current solo frustrations.

    After you’ve set up or joined a club, your club tab will become your new club lobby. Every member of the club will be able to interact with the members’ list. This enables you to invite specific club members to your party, or extend the invite to everyone online via the “Invite All to Party” button.


    If you head on over to the “Timeline” option, you can see all your club’s recent events. For example, you’ll be able to see all the new people that have joined and all those that have managed to gain a top five finish in a match.

    Club member ranks explained

    Like all good clubs, Apex Legends sorts its club members into ranks. This makes managing the large swathes of players a lot easier. The club owner will be able to assign the following ranks:

    It’s important to note that there can be only one Owner per club. However, multiple players share every other rank. 


    Club announcements

    It wouldn’t be a club without a dedicated announcement feature would it?

    Club announcements can be made by the club Admins and Owners. These posts will create a pop-up message the next time users enter the lobby. For example, you can announce the time of your next play session or wish to congratulate a certain player’s recent achievements. 

    You can view the most recent announcement at any time from the club lobby.

    Club badges

    Earn unique badges for playing within your club.

    As an incentive for staying and playing in an Apex Legends club, Respawn has come up with a new badge system. Badges will be rewarded to clubs that prove capable on the battlefield, so make you get as many wins under your club’s belt as possible. 
