Apex Legends RP calculator: Every possible RP gain in Ranked Play Season 8

October 2022 · 3 minute read

Apex Legends has made major changes to Ranked play in Season 8, so a helpful calculator breaks down how many Ranked Points you will earn – or lose – based on rank, placement, and kills.

Almost all FPS games offer a separate ranked playlist for their players, and Apex Legends is no different. Since its release in Season 2, the game’s ranked mode has provided players with a way to test their skills against the best of the best.

Ranked Leagues separate players into seven skill brackets – ranging from Bronze to Apex Predator – based on performance in two ranked splits. Each player’s current rank, match placement, and number of kills/assists determines the number of Ranked Points (RP) they will earn or lose every game.

With RP determined by several different factors, players can find it challenging to track how many points they are earning or losing each match. However, one player has come to the aid of anyone who is confused by the system – especially with Respawn implementing changes to ranked play in Season 8.

Respawn provides players with new rewards to earn during each ranked series.

Apex Legends RP combos

A post on the Apex Legends subreddit helps to clear things up for anyone confused about their potential RP gains. The helpful graphic comes from user Ninjario, who breaks down the changes in Season 8 based on all three contributing factors: current player rank, final match placement, and total kills/assists.

The updated graphic shows the exact combinations needed to go positive in each match and what will cause players to lose RP for every skill bracket. Ninjario already shared a calculator for gains and losses in the old ranked system, and was kind enough to update their graphic to reflect the changes in Season 8.

This provides players with an easy understanding of what performance to strive for in ranked: for example, Predator and Master players can easily see that a final placement between 11th and 13th place combined with six kills or assists is the absolute minimum needed for an RP gain (+5) in their skill bracket.

Updated Overview for Season 8 of your RP Gain per Rank/Placement/Kill combination from apexlegends

Ranked Leagues in Season 8

With the release of Season 8, a new ranked series and updated RP system kicks in Apex Legends. Starting on February 2, players will compete in the first ranked split on the obliterated Kings Canyon followed by the second split on Olympus beginning March 23.

In the seasonal ranked update post, Respawn’s designers discussed their vision for ranked play going into Season 8. The update included information on the new RP system, the rewards for ranked play in Season 8, and on-going goals for the game’s ranked playlist.

The game’s next ranked split begins on February 2, alongside the launch of Apex Legends’ 8th season: Mayhem. Players can jump into the action on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 and 5, PC, and potentially for the first time on Nintendo Switch.

