Apex Legends voice actors are among the most active members of the game’s community, and the lady behind Lifeline – Mela Lee – made somebody’s day with a perfect present.
With so many popular characters in the free-to-play title, it’s no surprise that a team of 18 people (if you include all active legends and the Apex Games announcer) make up the voice acting squad.
Apex Legends fans have had a lot to celebrate in 2021 so far in terms of anniversaries and historic content, with the Anniversary Collection in February, and loads of Titanfall inspired content for Season 9, Legacy.
Two fans in particular, though, were celebrating their very own anniversary together and Mela Lee stepped in to give their significant a surprise on the big day.
Just like other legends, Lifeline has a cult following.Lifeline voice actor sends anniversary message
On June 4, a video appeared on the Apex subreddit that showed Lifeline’s voice actor delivering a short message.
It was uploaded by user ZombieAteMyBrah, who seemed absolutely over the moon by the gesture.
They posted: “My SO [significant other] surprised me with a special message from LIFELINE for our 1 year anniversary. I AM IN TEARS!”
During the clip, Mela jumped between a number of the character’s classic voice lines to congratulate the pair on their milestone, ending with: “You and me, we got this!”
My SO suprised me with a special mesaage from LIFELINE for our 1 year anniversary. I AM IN TEARS! from apexlegends
Lifeline is one of the most popular in Season 9, shooting up in our Legends Tier List after a number of buffs in the Legacy update.
And this post might have just made the lady behind the character a little more popular as well, as fans poured out love into the comments section for the gesture. She made their day.