Apex Legends players blast Storm Point as worst map ahead of Season 13 changes

September 2022 · 2 minute read

Apex Legends players have labelled Storm Point as the game’s worst map ahead of Season 13, claiming it is slow, boring, and in dire need of adjustments moving forwards.  

Apex Legends fans have grown accustomed to the variety of environments on offer in Respawn’s battle royale, with new maps dropping every few seasons.

First was Kings Canyon; then came World’s Edge with Season 3; then Olympus in Season 7 and, most recently, Storm Point with Season 11.

However, general opinion places the sunny Storm Point at the bottom of the four, with Respawn acknowledging that the map needs a few adjustments going forwards even though they have already confirmed new POIs coming with Season 13.

About Storm Point: Respawn said they are "not done" with the map, and want it to stand "shoulder-to-shoulder" with the other maps in the game competitively. pic.twitter.com/2LbNQgO9WS

— Apex Legends News (@alphaINTEL) May 2, 2022

A May 7 Reddit post from ‘JustCurvus‘ prompted discussion, asking which map currently in the game leaves the most to be desired.

Opinions naturally varied, but a majority of people pointed towards Storm Point, lamenting its slower pace and open areas that prevent cover being found easily.

One player highlighted its pacing as unsuitable for public matches, saying that “[Storm Point is] boring for pubs because you either drop with 47 teams or spend half the map trying to find someone to fight.”

Another called out the amount of “useless” POIs, suggesting players are forced towards certain areas where better loot is available. They asked: “Like, who ever goes to Lightning Rod, south of Barometer or between High Point and The Wall?”

Before Season 12 ends, just wanted to ask what you think the worst map is in your opinion? from apexlegends

A third player said: “Storm Point [is the worst]. I’m one for looting but Jesus Christ does it test my patience sometimes…”

A final one echoed much of the aforementioned sentiment, saying: “[Storm Point’s] extremely big and super boring if you don’t land hot and don’t have Valkyrie to rotate quicker.”

While some players did point towards Kings Canyon, it seems like the changes coming to Storm Point in Season 13 will be generally welcome.
