Valorant agent Cypher revealed: Abilities, gameplay, lore

October 2022 · 4 minute read

Cypher is Valorant‘s one-man surveillance network who can use his vast array of abilities to get the edge over his opponents. In this guide, we’ll break down why the Sentinel Agent can be integral to your team’s strategy. 

Armed with information-gathering abilities, Cypher operates as the team’s forward scout without ever having to leave the spawn. With a string of gadgets at his disposal, the Moroccan Agent can gather essential intel — whether he’s helping take control of the map or defending a Reactor Site. 

As a Sentinel, Cypher is designed to be most effective on Defense, but there’s more to this Agent than meets the eye. He can be used as a powerful deterrent of flanks on the attack, with his utility in the game perfectly equipped for helping you hold down the site.


Valorant Cypher: Abilities

Cypher, like every other Valorant Agent, comes equipped with four abilities. Two of his abilities have to be purchased (core abilities) using creds, while one is gifted at the start of every round (Signature Ability) — and the other is earned via accruing points (Ultimate Ability).

The Moroccan’s kit revolves around gathering as much information as he can, before sharing that with the team so they can execute game plans mid-match. 

But make sure you’re in a safe spot when using your camera. There’s nothing worse than being sniped while you’re checking what’s occurring on the other side of the map.

Cypher’s Spycam can also be used to take some sick selfies.

Cypher’s gameplay in Valorant

Cypher’s strengths definitely come on defence. With his camera and trapwires, you won’t be left having to poke your head out, and risk getting dinked, just to gain intel. 

Before the round starts, take some time to lay down some trapwires and cages, as the enemy won’t be able to hear you set them up. Then, when they inevitably walk into them, you’ve got the instant vision for an easy kill.

So, if Cypher is so well-suited to defending, what happens on Attack? Don’t let the Agent’s Sentinel style fool you, as Cypher can be just as effective on the offence.

Use your trapwires at the start of a round to ensure no pesky Defenders try to execute a flank. It’s a win-win: you either catch them for easy intel, or they shoot it – which gives away their location – or they’re forced to turn back.

Cypher’s traps are also a superb device for holding a site. Placing a trapwire to cut off access points to the bomb can be a simple way of preventing a ninja defuse.

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