Valorant Phantom guide: Damage stats, tactics, how to use

October 2022 · 4 minute read

The Phantom is one of Valorant’s most popular weapons, so here’s a full breakdown on everything there is to know about this deadly gun.

If you’re playing the long-range battle in Valorant but want more flexibility than any Sniper can afford, Rifles are the weapon for you. Of all 17 weapons, there are only four rifles, two of which can be fired full-auto while aiming down the sights.

You can click heads and expect rapid kills with the Phantom, as it happens to be one of the most effective guns in the game.

There’s a ton of versatility in this gun for lurkers and smoke criminals. Here’s an in-depth rundown on every detail so that you can master the Phantom.


What is the Phantom?

The Phantom is one of four Rifle-type weapons in Valorant. Priced at 2,900 Creds, it’s a powerful and fast-firing gun perfect for any mid-to-long-range engagements.

It can be an effective tool when playing passively at a Spike-site or when playing aggressively on attacking rounds. At the exact same price as the Vandal, this Rifle offers more controllable recoil at the cost of a slight damage drop-off.

Is the Phantom a good gun in Valorant?

As one of the most powerful weapons in the game, the Phantom can quickly take down the opposition. Though there is an extreme gap between headshot damage, and regular body damage.

For typical mid-range engagements, you’ll be dealing 140 damage with each critical tap to the dome. In comparison, only 35 damage will go through for shots that hit the body.

Being priced at 2,900 Creds, it’s quite expensive. However considering its damage and accuracy, it’s worth it.

Phantom’s damage stats

LocationDamage at 0-15m Damage at 15 – 30mDamage at 30 – 50m

Spray pattern

The Phantom has some pretty extreme kickback when firing in long bursts. Immediately upon sending out your first shot the weapon will rise. Your reticle will continue to elevate until about one second into the spray. It’s here that the Rifle begins to dip from left to right on repeat, similar to the Spectre.

Bullets will fire considerably above the placement of your reticle with the Phantom. As a result, you’ll need to lower your mouse quite drastically as you continue to fire. Muscle memory will play a huge role here as you grow familiar with the pattern.

Immediately upon firing, try to glide your mouse down slightly in sync with the Phantom’s kickback. Once you’re at the full height of the recoil, it’s typically ideal to stop your fire and reset the spray pattern entirely. Short, controlled bursts will help you find picks, not prolonged and unchecked sprays.

How to use the Phantom in Valorant

When to buy the Phantom

At 2,900 Creds, the Phantom certainly isn’t the cheapest weapon in Valorant. But it’s priced this high because it packs one hell of a punch. You shouldn’t be aiming to full-buy and kit yourself out with this Rifle on the second round. Saving Creds until you can comfortably afford the loadout is a far more effective long-term play.


The weapon shouldn’t come at the expense of armor or abilities. If you’re unsure you’ll be able to buy the Phantom multiple rounds in a row, stick to a cheaper alternative until your economy blossoms. Once you’re deep into a match with thousands of Creds at your disposal, that’s when you can comfortably afford to full-buy and run with a Phantom.

Phantom tactics

One of the major upsides of choosing the Phantom is just how quiet the weapon is. Flanking with this Rifle gives you the freedom to find a pick and then hurry to a new location. All without much fear of giving away your position with gunfire that can be heard cross-map.


Try to pick your engagements, focus on maintaining controlled bursts of fire, rather than holding down the trigger. Also, remember to aim towards the upper-chest and control the glide of your mouse as its spray pattern kicks in.

If you take all of this information with you into your next games, you’ll have a far better understanding of when and how to use the Phantom.

So that’s everything you need to know about the Phantom in Valorant! Looking to dominate Future Earth? Check out our other Valorant guides:

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