Irelia is getting a hefty League of Legends nerf to lower her early power

February 2023 · 3 minute read

Irelia has been one of League’s biggest early game threats since her rework. However, Riot is setting out to change that in LoL patch 11.14: the Ionian warrior is getting a hefty nerf to her early game power, with a trade-off meaning she’s better late.

Irelia found herself back in the League of Legends meta after her Season 8 rework as both a top and mid lane duelist. Dancing through minion waves to get on top of enemies, her 1v1 ability in the early game was unparalleled.

However, a series of nerfs toned back the Blade Dancer, cutting the effectiveness of all parts of her kit. While she received some buffs near the tail end of Season 10, Riot are starting to cut back at Irelia’s strengths again just as she rears her head in the meta.

The changes, according to developer ‘Phlox’, will give Irelia’s W “an actual powerful use case”, instead of just being a damage negator. It comes at the cost of the rest of her kit, which is facing significant early game nerfs.

Better nerf Irelia, right?

Irelia’s base health and magic resist are being slashed, but she’s gaining extra health per level to compensate. Her passive will now also give less stats early, but have higher scaling with bonus attack damage to make her useful past her two-item power spike.

The same changes apply to her Bladesurge Q, which is now slower to dash. Her E can no longer be recast while CC’d, and the missile travel time is now a flat 0.25 seconds.

All of these changes look to shift her early game power towards late game, where Irelia is being buffed quite considerably.

Her Q cooldown will now be reduced via her ultimate, with a new passive slashing it by as much as 2.5 seconds at rank three. Her W now blocks both physical and magic damage, and deals a heavy burst at max rank.

Hey everyone!

Irelia's got some changes coming 11.14 that will be on PBE later today. Nothing on PBE is final so please let me know what you think!

Tomorrow's Quick Gameplay Thoughts will be all about Irelia and the process we went through to get to this list.

— Phlox (@RiotPhlox) June 24, 2021

The changes might lead to the rise of some new Irelia builds, focusing on W max with its insane AP and AD scalings for burst damage, before jumping in with Q for the kill. However, it’s likely the traditional build will be better overall — just weaker after the nerfs.

Riot are still tinkering with the changes on the PBE ahead of LoL patch 11.14’s release on July 7. You can find the current list of Irelia nerfs below (h/t [email protected]).

Irelia changes in LoL patch 11.14

Base stats

Passive: Ionian Fervor

Q: Bladesurge

W: Defiant Dance

E: Flawless Duet

R: Vanguard’s Edge
