Warzone Pacific Season 2 update: Bren & MP-40 nerfs, full patch notes

January 2023 · 2 minute read


» Ammunition «

Trading damage now for damage later will have many Players still equipped with Incendiary wondering why they lost an even, or slightly advantaged fight. For now, Incendiary will provide a niche use on specific Weapons where shots are intermittently hit, or fire is unreturned. Players with above average aim will want to find a new type of Ammunition to lock and load.

As a result of Lengthened’s monopoly over Bullet Velocity on Vanguard (VG) Attachments, build diversity and Weapon viability has taken a hit. By shifting this Bullet Velocity into a wider variety of Attachments, we are aiming to provide more viable builds and meaningful choice within this category.

Lengthened aside, we have further changes coming to increase diversity in the Ammunition category. These changes will ensure the category fulfills more of a playstyle supplemental role for builds rather than a necessary enabler.

As a whole, Vanguard Weapons have been lacking in Bullet Velocity when compared to the competition. We felt it was necessary to provide more Bullet Velocity to VG Weapons so they could compete more consistently in long-range engagements. To remedy this, we have added Bullet Velocity to most VG Barrels.
