Apex Legends pro ShivFPS finally drops Bangalore as main amid "impossible" meta

December 2022 · 3 minute read

Apex Legends pro player and day one Bangalore main Shivam ‘ShivFPS’ Patel has finally dropped the Professional Soldier in competitive to “play the meta”.

When it comes to the competitive meta in Apex Legends, Bangalore has never managed to get much of a foothold compared to other characters on the roster.

While the Professional Soldier does have a solid 5% pick rate in Season 11, Legends like Valkyrie and Gibraltar simply offer more value and utility at the highest level of play.

Despite this, pro player ShivFPS stuck by his main and has continued to play Bangalore in competitive across multiple seasons, achieving some impressive results in tournaments,

However, Shiv has finally announced that he is going to be stepping away from Bangalore to “play the meta”.

Bangalore has a 5.1% pick rate in Season 11.

ShivFPS quits Bangalore in competitive Apex Legends

On January 15, ShivFPS took to Twitter to reveal to his followers that he will no longer be playing Bangalore in competitive.

After playing the Legend since Apex’s release, racking up over 150,000 kills and 21 million damage, the popular pro is finally dropping the Professional Soldier as his main.

According to Shiv, after achieving third place in the ALGS EMEA Championship, he realized that it would probably be his “greatest and last performance with Bangalore in comp”.

May 4th 2021. The day maining bangalore in comp apex and succeeding becomes impossible. Playing this legend since the games release, 150k kills later, 21m damage later and a 3rd place ALGS EMEA championship placing. All while bangalore hasn't been meta for literally 10 seasons.

— LG Shiv (@ShivFPS) January 15, 2022

Not only that, he expressed that it feels “impossible” to succeed with Bangalore in the current pro meta and that it makes sense for him to put her down on a high note.

Now, Shiv has revealed he’s ready to “play the meta” and take to the skies with Valkyrie, so expect to him raining down rockets with the Winged Avenger on stream.

Comp if we can for the memes and nostalgia. But alas I bury the hatchet on bangalore in comp apex. Its been a good run. GG valk meta.

— LG Shiv (@ShivFPS) January 15, 2022

While there’s no doubt this news will be disappointing to a lot of Shiv’s fans, it’s going to be exciting for to him finally follow the meta in competitive.

There’s a chance that picking up Valkyrie gives him the tools to perform at his best, as a lot of people would argue that the Professional Soldier was holding him back previously.

Either way, this is a huge change for a player who has built up a reputation as a top-tier Bangalore main, but it may give Shiv the freedom to perform at a new level.
