Starbucks baristas go viral after revealing craziest orders ever

February 2023 · 3 minute read

While Starbucks might not be everyone’s cup of tea (or coffee, rather), some fans just can’t get enough of the coffee chain’s signature beverages… many of which can be customized in ridiculous ways.

Starbucks is home to the Frappuccino, Pink Drink, fruity refreshers, and a slew of other delicious bevs, becoming a hugely popular chain that doesn’t limit itself to coffee, alone.

Its not-so-secret “secret menu” and customizable orders have rendered Starbucks a favorite spot for coffee connoisseurs, and some of the brand’s baristas have gone viral for sharing the craziest customizations they’ve had to make for customers throughout their careers.

The trend started after a barista by the name Josie shared an over-the-top Venti Caramel Crunch Frappuccino to Twitter. As if that by itself isn’t enough to give you cavities for a lifetime, this particular customer took the already sugary bev to another level.

Starbucks is a popular destination for coffee lovers of all kinds – especially those who love adding extra stuff to their drinks.

In total, the customer added: 5 banana, extra caramel drizzle, extra whipped cream, extra ice, extra cinnamon dollop, 7 pumps of dark caramel sauce, extra caramel crunch, 1 pump honey blend, extra salt, 5 pumps frap roast coffee, 7 frappuccino chips, heavy cream — all double blended.

Understandably, Josie captioned his photo of the order, “On today’s episode of why I wanna quit my job” — and he wasn’t the only barista to express such sentiments.

On todays episode of why i wanna quit my job.

— Josie (@ProjectJosiee) May 2, 2021

Soon after, baristas were replying with the wildest drinks they’ve ever had to make, including one worker who was simply asked for a cup of water with whipped cream on top.

“This has to be for a dog,” one commenter pointed out. “The alternative is just too upsetting.”

This HAS to be for a dog. The alternative is too upsetting.

— Julia (@jkisielius) May 3, 2021

However, nothing comes close to another barista’s bi-weekly customer nightmare, which consists of an overloaded Green Tea Frapp with so many additions that the order sticker is reminiscent of a CVS receipt.

I love it when they throw the nonfat milk in there like honey there’s no point now let’s just give you breve ffs

— M🐸 (@devilfaceemojii) May 3, 2021

Still more baristas shared similar situations, as though trying to compete for the most additions made to a drink they’d ever seen — and we have to give a respectful salute to the coffee artisans for creating such monstrosities in the name of customer service.

Does the whole milk and the Nonfat milk cancel each other out?

— x-⚡Bolts&BucsBabe⚡ (@boltsbucsbabe) May 3, 2021

While everyone loves customizing their coffee order now and then, this is certainly an eye-opening thread that reveals just how much work goes into making your favorite Starbucks drinks.
