Halo Infinite June 14 update patch notes: Ranked Arena changes, vehicle buffs, more

January 2023 · 5 minute read

A new Halo Infinite patch has dropped on June 14, with changes and updates to the game’s multiplayer and campaign set to improve and balance certain gameplay whilst also cleaning up some bugs and performance issues: here’s the patch notes.

Despite a rocky launch, gamers dove into Halo Infinite’s campaign and multiplayer with a renewed love and appreciation for the franchise, a feeling that has well and truly been lost in recent years.

However, 343’s failure to expand on multiplayer modes and customization options has led to a fizzling out of the initial excitement fans had.

With Season 2: Lone Wolves finally releasing last month after major delays, added content and interest was brought back to the game. The release of Season 2 brought about the first major update to the game’s content since release, something that was sorely needed to reinvigorate gamers.

Halo Infinite’s June 14 patch builds on this with changes to the campaign and improvements to multiplayer. Here’s the full patch notes.

Halo Infinite’s June 14 update rebalances vehicles and adds some multiplayer and campaign improvements.

What’s changing in Halo Infinite’s June 14 update?

Vehicle buffs to durability amplify combat

While this new update does make some small changes to the campaign, the main things to note are the improvements to multiplayer. Vehicle strength and durability for lighter and medium vehicles has been improved. This includes the likes of the mongoose, banshee, Warthog, Chopper and Ghost.

This in turn means vehicle combat and gameplay will be much more accessible and encouraged, something that has always been a staple of the Halo Franchise.

The June 14 patch has made Halo Infinite’s smaller vehicle more durable.

Ranked Arena changes

343 Industries are also changing up the qualification process for Ranked Arena. Previously players had to play 10 games within the Ranked Arena playlist before being shoved onto the leaderboards.

Now, players don’t need to touch the Ranked Arena playlist first — they can unlock ranking up by completing 25 matches in separate non-Ranked playlists.

For those playing on an older version of Halo Infinite, this may lead to an “unknown error” message to occur when searching for matches in the Ranked Arena. Simply download the new patch and this issue should go away.

You can now get started in Halo ranked without having to touch the Ranked Arena playlist.

The patch should also improve stability for Xbox One users, with instances of glitches and issues when entering matchmaking games less likely as a result of the update.

You can find the full Halo Infinite June 14 patch notes below, courtesy of 343 Industries. The update is now live.

Halo Infinite June 14 patch notes




