Pokemon Unite Held Item tier list – top items picked by the pros

February 2023 · 10 minute read

In Pokemon Unite, only the best players in the world are able to reach the Master Cup in Ranked Mode. Here is a Held Items tier list that is based on the top items being used by the MOBA’s best Trainers.

Just like the Game Freak RPGs, Pokemon Unite has a progression mechanic with the Held Items system. Equipping the three add-ons to your character boosts their stats in battle in incredible ways.

Because the cost to upgrade them is so high, Trainers may be wondering what items are worth investing in. This guide will take a look at the top Held Items being used by Master Cup players.

Pokemon Unite Held Item tier list Master Cup

S Tier

Muscle Band

Muscle Band

Given the importance of Attacker ‘mon in battle, Muscle Band has risen to the top as one of the most used Held Items in Ranked mode.

Master Cup players equip it with popular characters such as Cinderace and Lucario to help melt enemies down. Unlike other items on this list, the band also gives you a guaranteed stat buff.

Buddy Barrier

Buddy Barrier

While underrated at launch, Buddy Barrier has quickly become a MUST with most Master Cup players. Pokemon with excellent Unite Moves such as Cramorant, Eldegoss, and Wigglytuff really get to shine with this Held Item.

In higher-tier Ranked mode, matches often come down to the last minute. Team-battles can literally be won by a player popping their Unite and giving other players an extra shield with Buddy Barrier. It also gives 600 + HP to the user (when level 30).

Wise Glasses

Wise Glasses

Similar to Muscle Band, Wise Glasses offers a major buff for Sp Atk users (which is half of the Pokemon on the roster). Many Master Cup players have been choosing the addon due to its guaranteed stat increase from the start of the match.

Pokemon such as Gardevoir, Gengar, and Mr. Mime really benefit from the item as it adds just that extra oomph to their special attack abilities (such as Confusion or Hex).

Focus Band

Focus Band

While not as flashy as other Held Items, Focus Band turns HP heavy ‘mon such as Crustle and Wigglytuff into tanks that can’t be knocked out. The addon allows characters to hang on just long enough to escape from tense battles and back to a Goal Zone or healing Berry.

Top players have also been utilizing the item to keep Attacker ‘mon alive as teams are reliant on their damage in the late game and can’t afford to have them knocked out. Cramorant and Cinderace are perfect examples of Focus Band giving scrappy fighters survivability.

A Tier

Energy Amplifier

Energy Amplifier

Many players rank Energy Amplifier as one of the worst items in the game. However, many pros disagree. Top 20 Trainers have been using the add-on to transform powerful Unite moves such as Cramorant’s Gatling Gulp Missle into absolute nukes that melt opponents’ health.

At level 30, Energy Amplifier actually buffs Unite moves with an eye-popping 21% damage increase, while also increasing its charge rate by 6%. So you not only get to use the powerful move quicker, but you also get a massive jump in damage.


Shell Bell

Shell Bell

Similar to Focus Slash, Shell Bell gives Pokemon extra survivability by giving them a form of self-healing every time they land an attack. Even better, it also gives a guaranteed stat increase to the Sp. Atk stat.

Top-tier players have been using the addon with Special Attack heavy characters such as Gengar. Not only does it give you extra health, but it also boosts your attack stat.

Score Shield

Score Shield

Although it was initially ignored at launch, top 20 ranked players have been using Score Shield to stack with tanky characters such as Crustle. Not only does it guarantee you can score at least 12-15 points without being interrupted, but it also boosts your health by 450 points at level 30.


Unlike other items on this list, Score Shield is very niche and specific to a certain meta. Pro Talonflame users, for instance, have taken advantage of the Speedster’s flying abilities to rush the map to score goals. The addon now gives it a shield and buffs health substantially.

Scope Lens

Scope Lens

Scope Lens is different than other items on the list as its stat buff increases based on percentage and not points. Because of this, Master Cup players have found the item works well with Attack-heavy ‘mon since it scales the higher the character’s attack stat is.

Cinderace users have been utilizing the Held Item to melt opponents’ HP. When paired with Muscle Band (which boosts the Attack stat), the two items become a deadly combination for characters who are heavily offensive.

B Tier

Assault Vest

Assault Vest

Despite being ranked in B, Assault Vest is still used quite a bit by top players. It’s high HP and Sp. Def buff makes it a solid choice. It’s a good way to bulk up characters lacking in defensive stats.

Its biggest problem is the shield given to users only takes effect when out of combat. Because of this, Focus Band and Buddy Barrier are usually picked instead.

Aeos Cookie

Aeos Cookie

The following items all have the same thing in common in that players get a big stat buff each time they score (up to six times). Since the objective is to score goals anyways, it becomes a win-win.

Aoes Cookie is extremely helpful as it can give a weaker ‘mon an insane amount of health. At level 30, it can stack up to 1,200 HP. The item makes tanks like Crustle an absolute monster.

Attack Weight

Fierce Attack Dumbells

Like Aeos Cookie, attack weight increases your attack stat each time you turn in Aeos Orbs. Offensive ‘mon such as Cinderace can absolutely destroy after scoring six times with this equipped.

Top 20 players have been pairing this one off with Scope Lens and Muscle Band which creates perfect synergy with the Attacker class.

Sp. Atk Specs

Sp. Atk Specs

This is pretty much the same thing as Attack Weight except for Sp. Atk users. Trainers who play aggressively and can score early into a match will have a major advantage over the opposing team.

The only reason these score-based items aren’t ranked higher is that most Master Cup matches are incredibly high-pressure. Meaning you aren’t going to be scoring as much as you would in Standard mode. Many pros prefer items that have a guaranteed buff instead.

C tier

Rocky Helmet

Rocky Helmet

Rocky Helmet is similar to Assault vest, except its focus is on the Defense stat instead of Sp Def. Unfortunately, that is its biggest downfall as most higher-ranked matches are heavily Sp. Atk focused. Plus there is a handful of other items that boost HP with much better effects.

Still, the item is pretty interesting and could become higher-ranked if it ever gets buffed in a future patch. The fact that it deflects damage back onto enemies is really unique, and pairs well with Garchomp’s Rough Skin ability.



Similar to Rocky Helmet, this Held Item ranks lower simply because there are more superior options. Most Master Cup players instead choose Focus Band over this as its recovery rate isn’t really high enough to make a substantial difference.

This isn’t to say that some players don’t use it. Some pro Trainers actually do use this with squishy fighters and, in some cases, Tanks. But ultimately, there are better options.

D Tier

Exp. Share

Exp. Share

On paper, Exp. Share is meant for Supporter characters such as Eldegoss. The only problem is, unless you are in a group with five players communicating, you can’t guarantee that you are the only one that has chosen Exp. Share.

One of the biggest problems Trainers face is those going into Solo matchmaking and pairing off with multiple teammates picking this item. Share is actually great if you are the only one using it – which is often not the case.

Float Stone

Float Stone

Perhaps the biggest mistake most players make is investing in Float Stone. During Pokemon Unite’s launch, even Master Cup players had bought into the hype. But after analysis, it’s been discovered that the item really only gives you a 1-second speed advantage which does not justify wasting a slot.

The only truly useful aspect to this addon is its attack stat buff, but you can get much better items that do the same thing with much better advantages. If you have not fallen into the trap yet, do not invest in Float Stone. Hopefully, TiMi Studios considers buffing this in the future.

The above list was taken from Master Cup builds from the top 20 players globally in Ranked mode. This tier list is by no means definitive as the meta is always changing. Plus just like casual Trainers, many pros had invested in items that sounded good on paper at launch.

It’s interesting to see the difference between Ranked and Standard Mode, as it really shows how important each user’s playstyle is.
