Best Valorant Controller Agent: Astra, Viper, Brimstone, or Omen?

April 2023 · 7 minute read

Looking for Valorant‘s best Controller Agent? Here’s where Astra, Brimstone, Omen, and Viper sit in the meta — and which one is worth picking in your next ranked game.

When it comes to Riot Games’ flagship FPS, Valorant, there are a lot of aspects for you to sink your teeth into. Not only will you be looking for the best Agent to take charge of the battlefield with, but you’ll have to choose which role you want to play on the team.

From Sentinels to Duelists, there’s a whole selection of characters to choose from – but if you prefer to herd your enemies around and leave them clueless, the Controller class is for you. All about using smokes to guide your enemies to their impending doom, Valorant’s four Controllers truly shake up the battlefield.

So, are you wondering who the best Controller Agent in Valorant is? Here’s our tier list of all four, including Astra, Brimstone, Omen, and, last but not least, Viper.


Best Valorant Controller Agents: Tier List

4. Astra

Astra basically invented the term “galaxy brain.”




Astra certainly lives up to her Controller tag – at her cosmic whim, she can control the entire map using her stars. On both attack and defense, her kit is valuable, but it requires a bit of time to master considering there’s a lot going on. Recent nerfs have also made her a lot harder to play, so while Astra mains can still get good use out of her it’s not easy to pick her up.

3. Omen

Manipulating the darkness to his whim, Omen is one of Valorant’s most mysterious Agents.




Omen’s mobility separates him from other Controllers, but it’s a blessing and a curse. Timing that ultimate perfectly is so important. Despite that, and the fact his kit might not be as newbie-friendly as Brimstone’s, it has every ability to affect the game just as much, if not more.

2. Viper

Fancy a bite? Viper’s got you covered.




Constant buffs patch after patch has turned Viper into a must-pick in pretty much every Valorant game. Only in Episode 4 has she been nerfed, which was enough to knock her from first. Her denial of the site is still unparalleled though, and given you have to plant (or defuse it) to win each round, her kit will still be potent.

1. Brimstone

Hailing from the US of A, Brimstone brings the fire to the fight.




Thanks to a plethora of buffs to Brimstone and nerfs to other controllers, the American Agent is now top of his class. He’s simple, but incredibly effective. His Stim Beacon alone, with its movement speed boost, is an incredibly slept on ability, but the rest of his kit has plenty of lockdown to keep enemies at bay.

So that’s it for Valorant’s best Controller Agents! Looking to become a Future Earth champion? Be sure to check out our list of guides:

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