How to counter Fortnite's new Zapper trap

February 2023 · 2 minute read

Fortnite content update v10.20 introduced the new Zapper trap that can be placed on floors, walls, and ceilings, but there’s a very simple counter to it that effectively renders it completely useless.

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For those out there longing for a return of the Ceiling Zapper from the early days of Fortnite, you have to wait no longer.

While it’s not exactly the same thing, the idea remains the same – place a trap and wait for it to shock an enemy. 

The original ceiling trap was more of a set it and forget it type deal, but the new Zapper is strong in the middle of a fight.

FortToryThe Zapper in action.[ad name=”article2″]

However, some players are discovering it’s actually easily countered if you just simply hold onto your wall with an edit.

Doing this won’t let the trap stick to it and it’ll bounce off and attach to the next closest wall. Reddit user OfficialCanDook showed this method and how effective it really is.

You can counter the new trap by just holding edit on your wall from r/FortniteCompetitive

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The trap will place a Zapper on both sides of the wall, meaning there will definitely be scenarios where this counter will come into play and it’s a very powerful one at that.

In a perfect scenario, the fact the trap is bouncing off the wall will confuse your opponent enough for you to deliver a counter-attack while they are still figuring out what happened.

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With that said, you won’t be able to hold all four of your walls so you’ll need to be quick if you want to stay safe forever, as players are able to stack four of these in their inventory.

Simple tips like this can go a long way to improving your game, especially since this is a tip that not many people will be aware of. It’s important to get whatever edge you can get in a battle so keep this one in mind going forward.
